Well, I knew this would happen. There's gay marriage going on everywhere. It's all over the news today. What is my opinion as to what the position of the United States government should be, you ask? Well, civil unions are inevitable, and if the governments of the several states wish to allow it, or even the Federal government itself, it cannot be stopped. That includes all monetary and tax benefits, as well. That said, "gay marriage" is an oxymoron. It's like "carnal Christian." Forget what the state says, a homosexual couple is no more married than is a brother and a sister. The bottom line is this: Marriage is the binding of one man and one woman, for the purpose of ruling together over the creation, with the hope of being fruitful, with God's blessing. If the Bible is the true revelation of God's will to humanity, (big 'IF' for some of you) he cannot countenance, he cannot bless, that which he hates. I bear no ill will, no irrational ...
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