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Showing posts from April 10, 2011
I want to curse. No, really. There might be a holy time for a F-bomb, and this might be one of those times. As in, "Steve, what the [expletive] are you doing?" Let me honest here: I don't like other religions. 'Hate' applies to some of them. Why? Because they're missing Jesus. [You're a compromiser too; "invincible ignorance," anyone?--ed.] Look, whatever that means or doesn't mean, one thing is clear, which no Catholic worth his salt would dare deny: Truth from God only flows in one direction--TOWARD Jesus Christ. You're either floating down the river that leads to living water, or you've reached the Spring. (Or, of course, you could be moronically running the other way.) But woe to the one who loves men more than Christ! Read Hebrews. Then, read it again. How about a third time? Good. Feel better? Rinse and repeat as necessary. Someone should pay for this. I blame Luther. [Luther Vandross?--ed.] Hardly. Besides, listening to that...
Holy Water Like mercy Does the water fall Big love Couched in droplets small. It means… At your gates, O Lord, At your gates We enter by water Which he hates, The enemy of our souls. The door, the sky, the River, All love from You, the giver. Could we but see it, Your will to deliver. As for me, I will not shut my eyes.