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Showing posts from April 24, 2011
Friday "There is a chapel, and I'm skipping it" Edition: There's a typo in the last post, and I'm too lazy to correct it. [I've got it. It should read, "A Librarian's Comments On..." There now, all better.--ed.] Thanks. Or, in the Anne Katherine Robinson notation, '*A Librarian's Comments On...' [It's not like she invented it, you know.--ed.] Yeah, but "St." Justin is the only other one of my friends who corrects his mistakes in this way. So I found myself in a 'conversation' about books last night, and I feel moved to comment further. I don't really know what a "good book" is. [Duh.--ed.] I mean, I don't really evaluate books in that general, holistic sense. If I find one line that contributes in some way to my well-being. or the Kingdom, or the Truth, I'm liable to praise the book as a whole. I know, that's insane. And I have an abiding talent for exaggerating. D.L. Moody told a woma...
Wednesday "If there was/were a chapel, I'd skip it" Edition: [You're evil and unpious.--ed.] I should say not. In fact, there is a legitimate question whether I'm free to attend chapel, now that...we'll get to that. [I hate you for this.--ed.] I'm sorry; it had to be done. Are you going to leave me? [To whom shall I go? You ignore the words of eternal life.--ed.] Oh, stop it. [But in all seriousness, I can't leave you. I love you; I'm a part of you. I think you're completely wrong, that you go to the "high places," but I go with you, if only to keep watch. If I go, you'll forget everything we've learned so far. You'll forget our people.--ed.] A very Jewish way you say that. [It was purposeful.--ed.] And I can't do that; I never would. One thing I love about where I am is the theological journal we get as students here: the Presbyterion. Always awesome stuff. That one guy with the evil twin brother named Clarence w...