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Showing posts from January 12, 2014

My Rule

And this means it's my rule for drinking the magic beverages; it doesn't have to be yours. Yet here it is: if I were commanded to put down my drink, and in 15 minutes, I'd be asked to give a lecture in some area of my competence, if I could do it without a noticeable drop in my effectiveness, I have enjoyed responsibly. If not, I've had too much. Now, some of you could carry on your tasks in any state and no one is the wiser, but I'm not that guy. Drink up! Heaven probably has a bar. Just sayin.'

It's Pretty Simple

Children have a right to grow up in a family with their mother and father. Actually, they have the right to a Mommy and Daddy who love them, and each other. The fact that many of us have endured far worse and less than this is no reason to say that something else is "normal." It isn't, whether we're talking divorce and "re-marriage," or homosexuality, or whatever. Someone should say this clearly. It's one of those times where it doesn't serve to spare feelings or prevailing opinion. Is it so hard to say that the State's purpose in defining and defending heterosexual marriage, AKA marriage, is that heterosexual sex is intrinsically ordered to the creation of new persons? Totally obvious, and yet, not. I feel like I'm surrounded by a Bubble of Stupidity, from which none of us will ever escape.

5 Thoughts For Tonight

5. Maybe Bill Belichick is smarter than all of us. 4. "What if we find ourselves beneath the snows/Our warmest words all frozen in our throats?" 3. You can say the words, but sometimes, only God knows what they mean. 2. Write a poem, or sleep? 1. We are too quick to criticize the bishops.

Ad Hoc Run Amok

This is fascinating. But not for the reasons you think. I'll cut right to the chase: the defense of orthodoxy is commendable, but a modalist could simply say, "My rejection of Nicea is no different than our shared rejection of Trent." Or as I once wrote, "Both the fool and the Catholic would accuse you of being ad hoc, and they would be right." At the risk of sounding like some crazy postmillenialist, history itself is now the arena for the outworking of the incarnational dominion of the Son of God. If that's even remotely true, we are as bound to the means by which that dominion has taken place, to which he has bound Himself. The visible Church. The truth is that the Protestant conception of the visible Church is a loose collection of discrete bodies, not the Church. We'll leave the light on for you.