Among other things, I am a total Fanilow. There's just something about the frankness, the undiluted emotion, that appeals to me. When we get to Heaven, God won't take our Love and say, "Too sappy." I suppose when feeling gets too much, it's misdirected or unmoored from reality. That said, rock on, Barry! I am a huge Fantorum, too, if you hadn't noticed. Even if they hadn't told us he was Italian, you can figure it out. That's a masculine genitive plural (Latin) run amok. What do you figure the family name was in Italy? I say, 'Santore.' I love your sweaters, your ill-informed economic policies, (sort of) your snark, and your faith. It kills me. I haven't been this enthusiastic since Bush-Gore. This is how you do 'establishment,' GOP. I went from, "He's better than Romney" to, "Show me the wall, and I'll run through it" Mode. We're going toward Easter, and the supreme demonstration (and vindication) of...
A Christian blog, because: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." (Romans 11:36)