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Showing posts from January 19, 2020


I don't like to start out anything I write with statements like, "You can't possibly understand," but you can't possibly understand. I'm a normal guy; I like stereotypical guy things. I think Tom Brady is awesome. I love his hair. I hope he never retires. I will watch any sport. I like meat; I have to make myself eat a vegetable. Then again, I'm a cripple. The thing you'll never understand is that it's really hard to believe your body has a goodness when no one except your helpers and your mom touches it, at least for long stretches of time. Sure, it's gotten better. But I got asked by a buddy in college what scared me the most about the women I knew in college. I didn't even hesitate: I don't like it when they touch me. I don't understand it. Dating, romance, and sex are hard enough when you're young and scared. Let's add being different to the equation. I felt like an alien from another planet. As much as I was anx...

“Conservative” Judges?

This remains probably the most salient reason for anyone to vote for President Trump. But let’s talk about that, shall we? Let’s for the moment bracket out abortion. Besides, I think most of the enthusiasm for “originalism” is fueled by abortion opposition. Within the brackets, let’s bear in mind that every single Democrat running for president favors no limitations on abortion at all. We could add in other things related to sex, gender, and family as well. Suffice to say, the Democrats are awful on so-called “social issues.” But what kind of judge protects the rights of defendants? What kind of judge opposes the death penalty? What kind of judge favors generous pardon and commutation powers, granted to governors? What kind of judge will help to confront the for-profit incarceration machine? Not ones appointed by Trump. Liberals, that’s who. While I reiterate that my opposition to abortion, euthanasia, the re-definition of marriage, and countless other degradations is absolute,...