I saw a couple things on Facebook that got me thinking today: One of my friends noted that she will have been "with child" for about half the time she's been married. Wow. Someone give her a hand! I mean, help her out! How To Tell You're An Actual Catholic: Your first reaction to this story is, "No way they're artificially contracepting, and that's great!" (Her husband was my neighbor in college; they're quite devout Protestants.) I hope if I am called to marriage that I learn to put my wife's needs before my desires, because there is no selfish sex, properly speaking, and blessings definitely come! Both possible states fill me with unmitigated terror, but I would much prefer the terror shared with a mate than consecrated celibacy terror. Consecrated celibacy terror also comes with the, "I don't even like these people" terror, the "Dude, seriously, more school" terror, and the "Pretty robes, captive audience, and ...