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Showing posts from May 31, 2009
This is interesting, but not surprising. Pro-homosexuality people and groups will use the evidence suggesting a biological and genetic basis for homosexuality to erode what traditional Christians would call the moral culpability for those acts. These Christians would also explain the data thusly: Homosexual practices (which they view as sinful habits) by repetition incline a person toward continued performance of those acts, and profoundly disincline that person toward a discontinuation of such habits, and a recognition of them as morally objectionable (see, for example, Thomas Aquinas). So, the biological feminization of the brain in a homosexual male (and the like for a female) would be viewed as an explanation for that habit formation. Anyway, from an argumentation standpoint, it's not wise to use the biological evidence to erode culpability, for this reason: Predisposition does not equal predetermination. Leaving aside the morality or immorality of this particular case, we can...
I was reminded that I had hundreds of music channels at the back of my sattelite service, I guess you might say. So I settled first on the 90s Pop Hits, then the 80s and several others (including all the iterations of soul/R&B) before landing on a channel simply called, 'Beautiful Music.' I wondered how much more generic and uninformative a name you could create at first. When I left the room, it was playing an instrumental selection from what it titled, 'What The World Needs Now Is Love.' I am personally dubious that this is the precise title, but I know the song, knowing it belongs to Burt Bacharach. When I returned, it stated that it was playing, 'Evergreen (Love Theme from "A Star Is Born").' Now I know why they can't quite describe what they're playing. It's pretty varied, but every second has been incredible. It has the alternate title of Escape, to distinguish it from others on the Sirius/XM radio network, from whence it came. If...
It's time for another infamous list, and so: The Top 5 Lies You're Tricked Into, Watching Sexual Dysfunction Commercials. 5. All married people do is have sex. (not to mention everyone else) 4. All older people look nearly the same as they did at 25. 3. It's normal to have sex for four straight hours. [Alternate way of stating this: You wouldn't question yourself until that completely arbitrary point in time.] 2. Ordinary people in general are completely willing to share their problems with a national (perhaps even worldwide) audience. 1. Children are created by man and woman lying next to one another in side-by-side, matching porcelain bathtubs.