This is interesting, but not surprising. Pro-homosexuality people and groups will use the evidence suggesting a biological and genetic basis for homosexuality to erode what traditional Christians would call the moral culpability for those acts. These Christians would also explain the data thusly: Homosexual practices (which they view as sinful habits) by repetition incline a person toward continued performance of those acts, and profoundly disincline that person toward a discontinuation of such habits, and a recognition of them as morally objectionable (see, for example, Thomas Aquinas). So, the biological feminization of the brain in a homosexual male (and the like for a female) would be viewed as an explanation for that habit formation. Anyway, from an argumentation standpoint, it's not wise to use the biological evidence to erode culpability, for this reason: Predisposition does not equal predetermination. Leaving aside the morality or immorality of this particular case, we can...
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