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Showing posts from January 11, 2015

Vulnerability Is Funny (Sometimes)

Marti Schodt, of, on falling in love: "I have to be vulnerable. I have to open myself up to judgment and rejection. I have to talk about my past and my pains and hope that he'll still want to hold my hand after he finds out that I drool rivers in my sleep and cackle like a witch sucking helium." Bahahaha!

Hillary Clinton Will Never Be The President

Got your attention, didn't I? But it's true. It's very simple: If you have some liability, some weakness, you need something powerful to cancel it out. You need goodwill, or humor, or exceptional intelligence. Hillary has at least 2 weaknesses: Her husband President Clinton, and her own unpleasant disposition, magnified by her impressive talent for pathological dishonesty and evasion. In short, people don't like her. People vote for people they like. We might say that the voting public has no good reason to like or trust someone, but if they do, they do. The American people are capable of overlooking a lot if they like you. Bill Clinton committed a felony while in office; did it matter? Nope. The people generally acted like it was the Republicans' fault that we even heard about it. Reagan could have easily gotten impeached for Iran-Contra; doesn't matter. We liked him. George W. Bush flat-out lied to us about their use of waterboarding; it won't matter. ...

I'm Not Anti-Gay, I'm Anti-Sin

Some people object to the association of homosexuality and sin, but by and large, I think they know they are fighting against their own consciences, and the law of God. This is why the activism--when the extremely generous estimates tell us that 1 out of 100 people experiences sexual attraction to people of the same sex--is so intense. When Satan has a stronghold, it's a stronghold. I can't recall a time when such a small percentage of people was able to shift public opinion in this way. It's certainly odd. But our sexuality is powerful. Sins against it, whether by us, or others, do a lot of damage. The inverse of the total self-gift of sexual complementarity in marriage is an endless array of variations on the theme of selfishness. I've got to wonder how many "fallen-away" Catholics and other once-practicing Christians are "allies" of the homosexuality movement because of shame for their own sins? Or even misplaced shame, because someone abused ...

He Did The Best He Could

Big-time hero.  The UN--predictably--took away Dallaire's peacekeepers at the crucial moments of what would become the Rwandan genocide. The United States recalled its diplomatic personnel, and as I recall, 800 US Marines, at the same time. No one has ever advocated an attack on the Tutsi government. But it seems to me that if the Marines had been placed under Dallaire's command with an expanded mandate to intercept the weapons, the whole catastrophe might have been averted. Rest In Peace, Romeo Dallaire.