Let me preface this by saying that in all this time of theological exploration, I have never felt pressured or disrespected in any way. I think that's a two-way street; my new friends have seen I hope, that I have inquisited in an open-hearted way, and so have they. It doesn't have to be that way, and it often isn't. But I thought to myself, "What would it sound like, the same questions translated into Snark?" Yes, I invented that lingual designation. So, here are some pro-Catholic observations I have made, with snarky comments attached. They are as much things I have said to myself as anything. 5 Truths, Seconded By Snark 5. "I'll say this for Catholic sexual ethics: they are remarkably consistent." [Jesus is logical and coherent, no way! Never would have guessed!--ed.] 4. "Protestantism is seemingly hermeneutical chaos." [Duh! Why do you think we got off the sinking ship there, Sherlock?--ed.] 3. "I'm not sure Scripture is per...
A Christian blog, because: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." (Romans 11:36)