5 Not So Random, Disconnected Thoughts For Today
5. I am right in the heart of zealous, orthodox Catholicism, not on the inside, nor on the outside. What I can tell you is that I cannot put into words both the depth of mind and of love I have experienced. They are living, breathing examples of the two greatest commandments. Someone should tell their story. I may not have the time, the stones, or the ability to do it, but I want to try.
4. Bring it, Derrida. I will go philosophical Bruce Willis on you, back up in your face with the Resurrection.
3. Dear Canada, I apologize sincerely for the fact that the United States is turning your entire Olympics into the sports eqivalent of a petition for US statehood. In short, you're getting owned.
2. Well, I might have the obligatory Olympics crush (es) but I think she/they might be married.
1. Hey Fadi, you and the boys can come learn Scripture with the "separated brethren" any time. We'd (or at least I) be happy to help. To be fair, you should send your best to teach us patristics.
5. I am right in the heart of zealous, orthodox Catholicism, not on the inside, nor on the outside. What I can tell you is that I cannot put into words both the depth of mind and of love I have experienced. They are living, breathing examples of the two greatest commandments. Someone should tell their story. I may not have the time, the stones, or the ability to do it, but I want to try.
4. Bring it, Derrida. I will go philosophical Bruce Willis on you, back up in your face with the Resurrection.
3. Dear Canada, I apologize sincerely for the fact that the United States is turning your entire Olympics into the sports eqivalent of a petition for US statehood. In short, you're getting owned.
2. Well, I might have the obligatory Olympics crush (es) but I think she/they might be married.
1. Hey Fadi, you and the boys can come learn Scripture with the "separated brethren" any time. We'd (or at least I) be happy to help. To be fair, you should send your best to teach us patristics.