In addition to reclaiming interesting phrases for the English language, join me in my quest to reclaim rainbows. [Side-Rant/Disclaimer: In no way does my lamentation over the hijacking of the rainbow for a cause mean that I hate homosexuals. On the contrary; stop by, have a beer, share some laughs. Provided, of course, that you are not a "d-bag"* as they say in the vernacular.] Remember when a rainbow was just a rainbow? I dare you to wear, display, paint, or draw anything rainbow-colored. You'll have a spontaneously generated meeting of the Triangle Coalition on your front lawn before you can say "Eric McCormack." Which I hate, because 1) I like rainbows, 2) I don't actually enjoy political discussions/heated debates/awkward meetings with church elders every 5 seconds. [Side-Rant #2, Subject: Homosexuality: Is the practice of homosexuality prohibited by the Bible, and thus, morally wrong? Yes. Get over it. Can the inclination to homosexuality be affected by genetic or environmental factors? Inconclusive. But a genetic predisposition toward anything does not mean that thing is determined. Do you favor gay adoption? Hesitant yes. I have not reviewed in depth, evidence suggesting that children raised by homosexuals suffer developmental harm, but am open to such empirical evidence, if it exists. But choosing between children as wards of the State (or worse) and kids raised by homosexuals is an easy call. Do you favor gays in the military? Emphatic yes. If you can shoot a gun/strategize/speak Arabic, etc. I personally am glad you're willing to help, and I don't care (in this context) with whom you have sex. What about gay marriage? Yes and no. The government(s) is not authorized under the Constitution to regulate the sexual behavior of individuals. The people in the several states may draft whatever laws they wish, subject to judicial review for constitutionality. The current state of the law (which allows states to refuse recognition to homosexual unions performed in other states) is a violation of Article IV, section 1 of our Constitution; as such, all laws contravening it should be repealed or voided upon review. But unions sanctioned by the several states are not truly "marriage" in the spiritual sense, whether heterosexual or homosexual. As such, Christians ought to be much more concerned about preserving the religious freedom to prohibit illicit unions (and to teach as they wish) than imposing upon the states' contracted unions a moral and spiritual meaning they do not possess.]
*criminal, unkind, or otherwise unpleasant.
*criminal, unkind, or otherwise unpleasant.