I tend to say exactly what I think. I admit it's not always wise. I try hard not to speak in anger, because when you speak from anger, you're more motivated to hurt than to tell the truth in love. I digress. I took a big risk today, although it was less than direct. I hope I've built up enough trust here; I'm just not good at denial. It wasn't a rebuke, or anything.
Returning to the digression, sometimes the truth hurts a person anyway, and there's not a whole lot you can do. Maybe it could have been a simple matter of saying, 'I'm just not comfortable here' way sooner. Because you'd rather be the one to say you've hit the limit of your abilities as a friend than them. One is liable to be pretty hurt and take it all very personally if that happens. Not that I would know.
It was an interesting weekend. I stayed with my 'brother' Evan and his wife Stacey. Stacey's sister threw a party for Cinco de Mayo, and it was awesome. We should have known that a horse named, "Thanks, I'll Have Another"--ridden by a Mexican--would win the Kentucky Derby on Cinco de Mayo, no? As a man who always has the radar operating, (let the reader understand) I can tell you that aside from our host, there were 2 ladies I would not have minded spending a great deal of time with. The first, we'll call her 'Laurie,' definitely didn't get left out of the sale at the Beauty Store. Ahem. But she has a boyfriend in another state, and she hates U2. That's like 8 strikes. She didn't strike me as my type, whatever that means.
Well, the other, she doesn't get a name. We're already friends, whatever that means. I talked to her all night. Of course I did. She chatted people up, I'd like to think, so it didn't look like she was only talking to me. Well, she's also kind. [She could be reading this, idiot.--ed.] I don't care. Tim said essentially, "What are you waiting for, moron?" I don't know. I'm scared, duh.
Evan actually asked me about it the next morning. He only met her that one time. I'm not sure what that says, except that I'm blatantly obvious, and my brother knows me. I talked to 'Tbone' later that day, too. He wanted to tease me about worrying that I offended him, because a comment of mine was deleted from his blog. I needn't have worried, but then again, you never know how much leeway you really have.
Evan and Stacey taught me that card game, Magic: The Gathering. On the one hand, I'm free enough that I don't worry that someone or something is occultic by the mere mention of wizards and monsters. On the other hand, people who are really into the story behind the game might be in danger. I really should ask Bishop Herman about this. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I don't want to be possessed by demons, either.
Returning to the digression, sometimes the truth hurts a person anyway, and there's not a whole lot you can do. Maybe it could have been a simple matter of saying, 'I'm just not comfortable here' way sooner. Because you'd rather be the one to say you've hit the limit of your abilities as a friend than them. One is liable to be pretty hurt and take it all very personally if that happens. Not that I would know.
It was an interesting weekend. I stayed with my 'brother' Evan and his wife Stacey. Stacey's sister threw a party for Cinco de Mayo, and it was awesome. We should have known that a horse named, "Thanks, I'll Have Another"--ridden by a Mexican--would win the Kentucky Derby on Cinco de Mayo, no? As a man who always has the radar operating, (let the reader understand) I can tell you that aside from our host, there were 2 ladies I would not have minded spending a great deal of time with. The first, we'll call her 'Laurie,' definitely didn't get left out of the sale at the Beauty Store. Ahem. But she has a boyfriend in another state, and she hates U2. That's like 8 strikes. She didn't strike me as my type, whatever that means.
Well, the other, she doesn't get a name. We're already friends, whatever that means. I talked to her all night. Of course I did. She chatted people up, I'd like to think, so it didn't look like she was only talking to me. Well, she's also kind. [She could be reading this, idiot.--ed.] I don't care. Tim said essentially, "What are you waiting for, moron?" I don't know. I'm scared, duh.
Evan actually asked me about it the next morning. He only met her that one time. I'm not sure what that says, except that I'm blatantly obvious, and my brother knows me. I talked to 'Tbone' later that day, too. He wanted to tease me about worrying that I offended him, because a comment of mine was deleted from his blog. I needn't have worried, but then again, you never know how much leeway you really have.
Evan and Stacey taught me that card game, Magic: The Gathering. On the one hand, I'm free enough that I don't worry that someone or something is occultic by the mere mention of wizards and monsters. On the other hand, people who are really into the story behind the game might be in danger. I really should ask Bishop Herman about this. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I don't want to be possessed by demons, either.