I need to be praying, but I wanted to blog first. I've been on this Earth 32 years now. I know that's nothing, in the grand scheme. But to me, I feel like I haven't made my mark. You know? Maybe I pine for worldly success. I have Christ and His Church; what more could I want? [Heaven.--ed.] Good answer. Number one. Survey says, "Love!" "Family!" "Money I've actually earned!" [Did you just reference Family Feud?--ed.] Yep. [That Richard Dawson was a saucy one. If he even looked at my wife, I'd punch him in the face.--ed.] I know, right? He was awesome on Match Game before we were born. [He was the smartest game show host ever.--ed.] Yeah. He made "The Running Man," no offense to Ahnold.
I should just probably worry about today, and not get too fixated on what people think is important or valuable. Sigh. I just don't feel useful.
I should just probably worry about today, and not get too fixated on what people think is important or valuable. Sigh. I just don't feel useful.