5 Thoughts For Today
5. I love college basketball, despite it being a big corporate blight on our system of higher education.
4. The Civil War was about slavery for the South. Whatever lessons we may draw in terms of limited government from that episode, the CSA will not be our teachers. Despite the plethora of undoubtedly virtuous and interesting men from that side of the conflict, I am glad EVERY SINGLE DAY that they lost.
3. I want a tax credit for my sugary, fizzy beverages.
2. Replacing Susan Rice with John Kerry is like replacing low batteries with dead ones.
1. Duke.
5. I love college basketball, despite it being a big corporate blight on our system of higher education.
4. The Civil War was about slavery for the South. Whatever lessons we may draw in terms of limited government from that episode, the CSA will not be our teachers. Despite the plethora of undoubtedly virtuous and interesting men from that side of the conflict, I am glad EVERY SINGLE DAY that they lost.
3. I want a tax credit for my sugary, fizzy beverages.
2. Replacing Susan Rice with John Kerry is like replacing low batteries with dead ones.
1. Duke.