One person needs about $800 a month. And a little help. If our "assistance" programs aren't providing at least this, I'm telling you, we're not actually providing a safety net at all. I paid off a car and got a college degree with that. And I'll have an advanced degree soon, God willing. So I may not be your typical conservative. The reality is, though, that's without any grievous moral mistakes or habits that cost. I have a great support system, a good moral foundation, and a couple credit cards. What if someone else isn't so lucky or smart?
We're going to have to be the kind of conservatives who don't freak out at the phrase, "direct cash payments" in some instances, even as we continue to insist that the gravy train stops somewhere. Read this. Go on. A person with a permanent disability is exactly the kind of person who knows the balance between a "culture of dependence" and self-reliance. Even as some self-styled "conservatives" really are just selfish, heartless barbarians, the Democrats will destroy the whole apparatus in a spasm of uncritical self-congratulation masquerading as public policy.
We're going to have to be the kind of conservatives who don't freak out at the phrase, "direct cash payments" in some instances, even as we continue to insist that the gravy train stops somewhere. Read this. Go on. A person with a permanent disability is exactly the kind of person who knows the balance between a "culture of dependence" and self-reliance. Even as some self-styled "conservatives" really are just selfish, heartless barbarians, the Democrats will destroy the whole apparatus in a spasm of uncritical self-congratulation masquerading as public policy.