"Monergism" means "only one working." "Synergism" means, "working with, or working together." "Soteriology" is, at the risk of being overly literal, is "the study or science of being saved." So if one is committed to "soteriological monergism," this means there is only one actor. If that one actor is God, it doesn't matter if that action causes an ontological change in the recipient or not; whatever the man experiences in terms of acting, it's not real, in the sense of participation. It's a sophisticated form of fatalism, because if there's only one actor (God) then God alone is responsible for the outcome. At least the Reformed separating justification and sanctification attempts to give the man freedom in sanctification, even if it ends up being fictitious, being ultimately rooted in the immutable will of God. They (Lutheran and Reformed) both quite unintentionally but truly make God the author of sin, because the only one whose actions are determinative is God. "Monergism" does not refer to God as First Cause, or even as the primary actor; it means God is the only actor. This cannot be, if we want to hold a man responsible for his sins, and for rejecting the Savior's atoning death. Let's be clear on definitions. And be willing to live with their implications.
Today, you’re 35. Or at least you would be, in this place. You probably know this, but we’re OK. Not great, but OK. We know you wouldn’t want us moping around and weeping all the time. We try not to. Actually, I guess part of the problem is that you didn’t know how much we loved you. And that you didn’t know how to love yourself. I hope you have gotten to Love by now. Not a place, but fills everything in every way. I’m not Him, but he probably said, “Dear daughter/sister, you have been terribly hard on yourself. Rest now, and be at peace.” Anyway, teaching is going well, and I tell the kids all about you. They all say you are pretty. I usually can keep the boys from saying something gross for a few seconds. Mom and I are going to the game tonight. And like 6 more times, before I go back to South Carolina. I have seen Nicky twice, but I myself haven’t seen your younger kids. Bob took pictures of the day we said goodbye, and we did a family picture at the Abbey. I literally almost a...