Every time I hear someone say, "Obama made a red line on Iran, they crossed it, and he's still talking!" I hear, "I want to go to war, and the president won't go along with it!" Granted, in certain extreme circumstances, it might be necessary. Even then, it would be a tragedy.
Aren't we supposed to believe war is a failure? That only unjustified aggression would sanction it?
We've got it all twisted. We had been so convinced of America's rightness that we could ignore basic principles of justice to do a "greater good". This reeks of consequentialism.
Anyway, so far, so good, Mr. President and Secretary Kerry. Ever and always, talking is better than killing.
Aren't we supposed to believe war is a failure? That only unjustified aggression would sanction it?
We've got it all twisted. We had been so convinced of America's rightness that we could ignore basic principles of justice to do a "greater good". This reeks of consequentialism.
Anyway, so far, so good, Mr. President and Secretary Kerry. Ever and always, talking is better than killing.