St. Peter just wants to be left alone. He's probably already embarrassed that he denied Jesus once. The crowd gathered around obviously thinks he looks familiar. Peter denies being a disciple of Jesus again. But the kinsman of Malchus knows he saw Peter in the garden, when Jesus was handed over. The man surely knows that Peter is lying, but Peter denies Jesus again, just as Our Lord said he would. (See Matthew 26:34, Matthew 26:75, Mark 14:72, and Luke 22:61)
This is one of the times where St. John doesn't want us to think of his Gospel as something entirely different than the other three, written by St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. Luke. St. Peter's denial is clearly something very important for the leaders of the early Church. We will see that Jesus considers it important as well, and will use it to demonstrate his love to Peter, and to us.