This covers homosexuality/gender non-conformity, and anything related you can think of. Why? It starts with this simple assertion: Our bodies and our organs are for something, and that something is not exhausted in personal pleasure.
Sex is for creation. To be more specific, procreation. That's what it's for. To create new people is the reason we've been given this gift. To be sure, it gives pleasure. Most likely because people will not always do the things we ought to do, if none of it was pleasant.
Why does it matter? If we were to say that "parents" were any two people, and that a "family" is whatever we say it is, we necessarily say that the traditional view is wrong. Suppose we all chose to believe this, and acted accordingly. The human race would cease to exist. It's no longer about being tolerant of a rare variation; if various radicals are correct, everything we ever believed in is wrong. But we know better.
We are seeing that transgenderism rigidly reinforces sex stereotypes; Bruce Jenner couldn't simply be a woman; he had to be his idea of an alluring, attractive, almost unattainable woman. It's staring us in the face: why? Did he feel ashamed of homosexual tendencies? Was there a trauma that caused this? And speaking of trauma, I remember when clinicians tried to heal trauma; they did not offer mutilation instead.
A large portion of what we see is teenage social contagion. Take away the phones and the apps. Being a growing youth is confusing and scary. I don't really believe most kids are confused in a new way; it's the same confusion, turbocharged by listening to other confused kids, for hours on end.
Parents are obligated to their children, even if they don't want to be parents. Sex has been severed from marriage, and severed from procreation. Abortion is the murderous end-point of this. We could argue endlessly about whether politician X understands the negative implications of law Y, but it obscures the reality that abortion takes the life of a human being. I think most people know this, deep down. But distraction is easier.
Conflating tolerance and compassion is a fun trick, too. I know the easiest way to hate someone is to lie to them. If you know a person is trying to re-create an ideal they never had, why do you celebrate that distortion? Why are we celebrating lies? Is it actually kinder to let someone hurt themselves? We rightly fear and discourage suicide, but in other ways, we let people commit suicide in slow motion.
Finally, the kids are not alright. They are owed two parents who stay married, because mommies and daddies who don't stay married--if at all possible--have done the wrong thing. Maybe our own pain as children of divorce blinds us to the harms of other things, but harm people they do.
I'm already going to the re-education camp, so I don't care. I mean, I do, but I know I can't please everyone.