I'm a struggling college student, so I've been away for a while; but I now feel a need to address some misunderstandings concerning evangelicals and support for Israel. It is widely guessed (by non-Christian media types) that such support is motivated by a desire to advance a premillenial end-times scenario that is overtly religious. I should say that this is only partially true. Some evangelicals feel that way; still others need not hasten God's prophetic time-clock, and their ardent support stems from a basic affinity with their spiritual forefathers. 60 Minutes did a terrible report speculating that Christians supported Israel en masse for the purpose of bringing the end-times to pass, and futher theorized that the Bush Administration did so for the same reason. As long as the American left looks with suspicion upon Christianity, they will never garner more than a pittance of Christian support.
Update: I read the whole thing. I’m sorry, but what a weirdo. I thought you [Tom Darrow, of Denver, CO] made a trenchant case for why lockdowns are bad, and I definitely appreciated it. But a graduation speech is *not* the place for that. Secondly, this is an august event. It always is. I would never address the President of the United States in this manner. Never. Even the previous president, though he deserves it, if anyone does. Thirdly, the affirmations of Catholic identity should be more general. He has no authority to propound with specificity on all matters of great consequence. It has all the hallmarks of a culture war broadside, and again, a layman shouldn’t speak like this. The respect and reverence due the clergy is *always due,* even if they are weak, and outright wrong. We just don’t brush them aside like corrupt Mafia dons, to make a point. Fourthly, I don’t know where anyone gets the idea that the TLM is how God demands to be worshipped. The Church doesn’t teach that. ...