1 John 2-15-27: “Do not Love the World”
In what sense is John using ‘world’ here?
What should be our attitude toward things we own? How do you tell the difference between enjoying things God has given versus idolizing those things?
What is an antichrist in this passage?
What is happening in v. 19? Why is that happening? (Matthew 13:24-30)
How has a Christian been anointed by God?
Can a true teacher/believer of the gospel deny Christ? Is that the same as having a very troubled time? (doubting, sin, etc.)
What is a Christian, according to the passage? (Feel free to think of others, too)
According to the passage, is it possible to be acceptable to God without Christ?
Is that offensive to you? What are some of the reasons why someone would be upset?
Why is it true that, “Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also”? (John 8:30)
What are some of the ways we can let the truth of Christ remain in us?
In what sense is John using ‘world’ here?
What should be our attitude toward things we own? How do you tell the difference between enjoying things God has given versus idolizing those things?
What is an antichrist in this passage?
What is happening in v. 19? Why is that happening? (Matthew 13:24-30)
How has a Christian been anointed by God?
Can a true teacher/believer of the gospel deny Christ? Is that the same as having a very troubled time? (doubting, sin, etc.)
What is a Christian, according to the passage? (Feel free to think of others, too)
According to the passage, is it possible to be acceptable to God without Christ?
Is that offensive to you? What are some of the reasons why someone would be upset?
Why is it true that, “Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also”? (John 8:30)
What are some of the ways we can let the truth of Christ remain in us?