I'm quite sorry that I'm swamping you all at once; I got behind, and for that, blame Frederick Wheelock and Richard Lafleur! Look out! Here comes the Word of God:
Why should we love one another?
We know that loving is very far from hating, but how serious is simply not loving?
Why did Cain kill Abel, according to verse 12? (Genesis 4:3-9) What was the emotion behind that motive?
Why do you think hate and murder are treated as the same thing in the Bible? (Matthew 5:21-24)
What is being compared in verse 16?
Along with verses 17-18, can you think of passages elsewhere that show us that love is something you do, as opposed to something you say?
What does it mean to have “our hearts condemn us” (v. 20-21)?
What does it mean that God is greater than our hearts?
If you had to summarize these verses with one principle, what would it be?
Why should we love one another?
We know that loving is very far from hating, but how serious is simply not loving?
Why did Cain kill Abel, according to verse 12? (Genesis 4:3-9) What was the emotion behind that motive?
Why do you think hate and murder are treated as the same thing in the Bible? (Matthew 5:21-24)
What is being compared in verse 16?
Along with verses 17-18, can you think of passages elsewhere that show us that love is something you do, as opposed to something you say?
What does it mean to have “our hearts condemn us” (v. 20-21)?
What does it mean that God is greater than our hearts?
If you had to summarize these verses with one principle, what would it be?