The 5 Best Things About Today
5. Prayer.
4. Talking with my buddy Jason Ford Smyth.
3. The fact that I read what I regard as the most beautiful word in English in the Wikipedia article on Richard Dawkins. Bonus points if you guess or remember my favorite word.
2. That today is today. Think of it for a moment: We all could have died in our sleep last night. For some of us, to die is gain. But some, not at all.
1. That Part V of my series, "The Woods" is written, and Part VI should be written today.
5. Prayer.
4. Talking with my buddy Jason Ford Smyth.
3. The fact that I read what I regard as the most beautiful word in English in the Wikipedia article on Richard Dawkins. Bonus points if you guess or remember my favorite word.
2. That today is today. Think of it for a moment: We all could have died in our sleep last night. For some of us, to die is gain. But some, not at all.
1. That Part V of my series, "The Woods" is written, and Part VI should be written today.