5 Thoughts For Tonight
5. "Just keep punchin', Apollo." Good advice when things get tough.
4. Adrian Balboa in the "You can't win!" scene from Rocky IV=Job's wife? Food for thought.
3. Martin Luther=Tommy Gunn?
2. "If I can change...and you can change...EVERYBODY CAN CHANGE!"
1. Coming into the Catholic Church (with Confirmation Sponsor Guy) was like the awkward beach scene (3:02-3:25) from Rocky III.
5. "Just keep punchin', Apollo." Good advice when things get tough.
4. Adrian Balboa in the "You can't win!" scene from Rocky IV=Job's wife? Food for thought.
3. Martin Luther=Tommy Gunn?
2. "If I can change...and you can change...EVERYBODY CAN CHANGE!"
1. Coming into the Catholic Church (with Confirmation Sponsor Guy) was like the awkward beach scene (3:02-3:25) from Rocky III.