It's not a fallacy to make a "slippery slope" argument. If you said it more articulately, you'd say, "In my view, you have removed the basis upon which we make a principled distinction." That's a perfectly reasonable argument to make, no?
You could, I suppose, question the premises which led to this claim in particular; it might even be a non sequitur. But in itself, it's not a fallacy.
I saw this on a chart of fallacies yesterday, and it got on my nerves. I speculate that those who take a dim view of the relation of morality and law would be tempted to classify "slippery slope" arguments as fallacies.
In other news, I received this argument in basic form the other day:
No intelligent person believes in the supernatural.
You are an intelligent person.
Therefore, you must have some other evil reason to believe what you do concerning the supernatural.
[Me again] Um, your first premise is absurdly false. How you could say this with a straight face, I don't know. I'd like to think we could do better.
You could, I suppose, question the premises which led to this claim in particular; it might even be a non sequitur. But in itself, it's not a fallacy.
I saw this on a chart of fallacies yesterday, and it got on my nerves. I speculate that those who take a dim view of the relation of morality and law would be tempted to classify "slippery slope" arguments as fallacies.
In other news, I received this argument in basic form the other day:
No intelligent person believes in the supernatural.
You are an intelligent person.
Therefore, you must have some other evil reason to believe what you do concerning the supernatural.
[Me again] Um, your first premise is absurdly false. How you could say this with a straight face, I don't know. I'd like to think we could do better.