But this is a good point. Orthodoxy has never really been under siege. Not really. Here's the truth, from a quasi-outsider: You assumed if it was Catholic, it came with the worldview. This is why every pagan in the Church says, "You can't tell me anything! I went to Catholic school for 12 years!"
Introduce them to God. The things of the Church can help, but there is no substitute for true conversion. There is no attitude or program that can fix the real problem, which is sin.
If it were my decision to make, there'd be no altar girls, because it's theologically and sacramentally confusing. I'm not going to die on that hill, however. This is why I'm inclined to yell at "traditionalists" as much as anybody else: You can't just yell, "Novus Ordo!" or "Communion in the hand!" or "Altar girls!" and think you've done your duty. You haven't done anything but declared your tribe in a pointless family spat. That's right, pointless. There is a world out there who doesn't give a [expletive] about obscure liturgical rules, and "reverence" applies to people like their Dads (hopefully) or John Wayne. (Tom Brady?)
Underneath all the crap, people are asking three questions: 1. Who is God? 2. Who am I? 3. What are we doing here? If you can't answer that, just go home. But understand, the crap is pretty powerful. Someone somewhere is Googling swimsuit models, pounding beers, eating too much, chasing money, etc. Yes, it's an illusory happiness, but the truth is, it's more real than the gnawing sense that I'm alone in this world. People don't feel bad about that stuff, because it makes them happy. At least for a short time.
You have to give people a reason to change their definition of happiness. If you are a humorless scold, you're not converting squat. Real holiness changes you. People say, "He's not like us, but he's got something I want." Most people who think they are warring against modernism and the forces of darkness in the Church are just the older brother in the parable of the wayward son; they aren't sinners, but they have no joy.
Pope Francis has joy. Real joy, nearly all the time. It's not my job to criticize all of his inartful statements. In fact, I think it is my job to find out why the freaks and weirdos of society flock to him like a magnet. Give me whatever that is. Give me joy, Lord.
Introduce them to God. The things of the Church can help, but there is no substitute for true conversion. There is no attitude or program that can fix the real problem, which is sin.
If it were my decision to make, there'd be no altar girls, because it's theologically and sacramentally confusing. I'm not going to die on that hill, however. This is why I'm inclined to yell at "traditionalists" as much as anybody else: You can't just yell, "Novus Ordo!" or "Communion in the hand!" or "Altar girls!" and think you've done your duty. You haven't done anything but declared your tribe in a pointless family spat. That's right, pointless. There is a world out there who doesn't give a [expletive] about obscure liturgical rules, and "reverence" applies to people like their Dads (hopefully) or John Wayne. (Tom Brady?)
Underneath all the crap, people are asking three questions: 1. Who is God? 2. Who am I? 3. What are we doing here? If you can't answer that, just go home. But understand, the crap is pretty powerful. Someone somewhere is Googling swimsuit models, pounding beers, eating too much, chasing money, etc. Yes, it's an illusory happiness, but the truth is, it's more real than the gnawing sense that I'm alone in this world. People don't feel bad about that stuff, because it makes them happy. At least for a short time.
You have to give people a reason to change their definition of happiness. If you are a humorless scold, you're not converting squat. Real holiness changes you. People say, "He's not like us, but he's got something I want." Most people who think they are warring against modernism and the forces of darkness in the Church are just the older brother in the parable of the wayward son; they aren't sinners, but they have no joy.
Pope Francis has joy. Real joy, nearly all the time. It's not my job to criticize all of his inartful statements. In fact, I think it is my job to find out why the freaks and weirdos of society flock to him like a magnet. Give me whatever that is. Give me joy, Lord.