Note to Robin Thicke: Your massive awesomeness cannot be overestimated. Though I can abide the occasional semi-slinky line here and there ("Lost Without U," looking in your direction, and I am a Babyface/Marvin Gaye fan after all) I must call biblical shenanigans on an album entitled "Sex Therapy." And it has a warning label! So I picked up "The Evolution of Robin Thicke" instead. (Fred the Fundie: But it says 'Evolution'! Oh, heavens to Betsy! Whatever shall we do?) There must be a happy medium somewhere. I figure it's this: If your pastor can't affirm something in a song as reflective of marital love as God intends without firing himself, it's wicked. [Is it a bad time to mention that every time you attend a marriage/dating/sex seminar, you hear "Whip Appeal" in your head for the next three hours?--ed.] Look, I'm not gonna play it for the youth group, OK? But I think we should congratulate the songwriters in that case (Perri Reid and Babyface) for assisting in the conception of what, 4 million children since 1989? I'll let people worry about their own sins. But we gotta think demographics on this one, too. Great song. Sue me. But how square am I really? Every time I hear "Thank You In Advance" by our friends Boyz II Men, I think, "Seems like they did a few things out of order." I think we understand each other.
Today, you’re 35. Or at least you would be, in this place. You probably know this, but we’re OK. Not great, but OK. We know you wouldn’t want us moping around and weeping all the time. We try not to. Actually, I guess part of the problem is that you didn’t know how much we loved you. And that you didn’t know how to love yourself. I hope you have gotten to Love by now. Not a place, but fills everything in every way. I’m not Him, but he probably said, “Dear daughter/sister, you have been terribly hard on yourself. Rest now, and be at peace.” Anyway, teaching is going well, and I tell the kids all about you. They all say you are pretty. I usually can keep the boys from saying something gross for a few seconds. Mom and I are going to the game tonight. And like 6 more times, before I go back to South Carolina. I have seen Nicky twice, but I myself haven’t seen your younger kids. Bob took pictures of the day we said goodbye, and we did a family picture at the Abbey. I literally almost a...