Don't dare even ask me why I'm conservative, at this point. And don't even start whining about how my Christian morality is inconsistent with this personal liberty. I wouldn't force anyone to do anything, unlike some people. To be a social conservative today means to advocate ideas that preserve the dignity of people; I don't recall Rick Santorum or anyone failing to recognize the pluralism that we all live under, or even being unwilling to tolerate it. Rather, by our words and lives, we insist that some uses of freedom are beneath the dignity of a human being. But people are so in love with themselves, really, that to say, "Hey, Chief. Hey, everyone, maybe that isn't such a good idea; it might be wrong" is to be a jack-booted thug with a Bible. I get it. Sparky here wants to outright ban bubbly sugar-water and hamburgers, but you're worried about Jesus-freaks. Those fascists. They might even say, "We'll pray for you." Oh, the horror of it all!
I get it. There is nothing written in nature that the Creator of the universe binds us to, but the questionable decisions of self-important bureaucrats, that's what we should do? The majoritarian bloviations of those who "govern" a nation less than 300 years old, that's what matters?
You've got to be kidding me. But Darth Santorum and his army of Imperial Storm-nuns, they'll crush everyone! With love, kindness, and good advice! It's too much! AAAAH!!!
Secularism is so stupid. It blinds you to obvious, empirical truth right in front of your face in favor of what you'd rather do. But you're right. Those Christians are against science. Lock them away, before they help someone.
I get it. There is nothing written in nature that the Creator of the universe binds us to, but the questionable decisions of self-important bureaucrats, that's what we should do? The majoritarian bloviations of those who "govern" a nation less than 300 years old, that's what matters?
You've got to be kidding me. But Darth Santorum and his army of Imperial Storm-nuns, they'll crush everyone! With love, kindness, and good advice! It's too much! AAAAH!!!
Secularism is so stupid. It blinds you to obvious, empirical truth right in front of your face in favor of what you'd rather do. But you're right. Those Christians are against science. Lock them away, before they help someone.